The rude property agent from PropNex Realty continues to send his clients vulgar and obscene SMSes, despite assurance from his firm that his 'unprofessional behaviour' will be monitored.
According to STOMPer Julia, this agent sent her vulgar SMSes which insulted her marriage and stated that her husband will cheat on her.
In an earlier post, STOMPer Jason had complained about the SMS he had received from a property agent containing a vulgar Hokkien swear word and an obscene reference to his mother.
PropNex Realty responded to STOMP saying that the agent has been given a warning and that his conduct will be monitored.
However, there seems to be no end to this agent's continuous onslaught of verbally abusive SMSes to his clients.
STOMPer Julia says:
In an earlier post, STOMPer Jason had complained about the SMS he had received from a property agent containing a vulgar Hokkien swear word and an obscene reference to his mother.
PropNex Realty responded to STOMP saying that the agent has been given a warning and that his conduct will be monitored.
However, there seems to be no end to this agent's continuous onslaught of verbally abusive SMSes to his clients.
STOMPer Julia says:
"Others call him rude, vulgar. He call others idiot, bastard and curses their parents.
"Personally, I feel that he is mentally unsound, probably with very serious family issues. Perhaps, with his own parents or his wife.
"It has been months since I received his insulting messages.
"It has been months since I received his insulting messages.
"Seeing how others have also been insulted by him, I guess I should share too.
"He must have deleted the messages from his mobile phone and will not know who I am.
"Please refer to the self-explanatory pictures."

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