Are overseas judges too harsh, wonders STOMPer Stefanie. In this Taiwanese variety show, Kelly Poon performed some magic tricks. However, instead of commenting on her magic skills, the judges insulted her and called her dress sense 'pasar malam' style.
In an email to STOMP today (Jul 16), the STOMPer who sent us this video clip, found on a video-sharing site, says:
“I start to ponder over the below questions after watching this video.
“In the Taiwan variety show, she was reprimanded by the judges.
“Instead of commenting on her magic skills/stunts, the judge pinpointed on her dress-sense as ‘pasar malam’ style.
“Are local judges too lenient or are overseas judges too harsh?”

Pic above: Kelly performing her magic tricks.

In an email to STOMP today (Jul 16), the STOMPer who sent us this video clip, found on a video-sharing site, says:
“I start to ponder over the below questions after watching this video.
“In the Taiwan variety show, she was reprimanded by the judges.
“Instead of commenting on her magic skills/stunts, the judge pinpointed on her dress-sense as ‘pasar malam’ style.
“Are local judges too lenient or are overseas judges too harsh?”
Pic above: Kelly performing her magic tricks.
Pic above: Kelly waiting for the judges to comment.
Pic above: A Taiwanese judge commenting on Kelly's dress sense and calling it 'pasar malam' style.
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